Minor in Poverty Studies

A minor in Poverty Studies consists of the following 14 or 15 semester hours of coursework:

  • NPLD 2500
  • Students must take one elective from the following:
    • ENTR 4200
    • INTM 3449
    • INTM 4381
    • GNDR 1101
    • LAST 2000
    • RLGN 2230
    • RLGN 2320
    • RLGN 3360
  • Students must take one elective from the following:
    • SOCI 3200
    • SOCI 3500
    • SOCI 4200
    • POLS 3350
    • POLS 3352
    • POLS 3353
    • POLS 3354
  • Note: Only one elective, whether section 2 or 3, may count towards a student’s major or other minor.
  • Students must take one of the following:
    • NPLD 4460
    • SERV 4300 or 4400
    • Approved Travel Course with Service Emphasis
  • NPLD 4490 or other departmental Senior Capstone or Paper
    • For NPLD majors and Servant Scholars: The Internship or Field Experience component and the capstone paper or project may count towards those programs, provided they are primarily concerned with addressing poverty. Approval to double count these experiences must be given by the Chair of the Department of Business and Nonprofit Studies or the Coordinator of the Nonprofit Studies program and the student’s advisor.
Last updated: 03/16/2020